Chloe's Birth Story

- by Kerri McGill

For days I felt like I wasn’t in my own body, had a funny taste in my mouth and overall felt different. A lady I worked with heard me talking about the taste in my mouth and joked “ hey you could be pregnant” and we laughed and then the subject changed. That night her comment played on my mind so I did a test. Do you know what happened? The test didn’t work!

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Kerri's Birth Story

- by Kerri McGill

The first time I found out I was pregnant with my eldest, I broke down in tears. We were not expecting to fall pregnant so soon after miscarrying our first baby at 12weeks only 3months earlier, so it was such a mix of emotions, crying with happiness and also the fear of losing another.

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Jody's Birth Story

- by Kerri McGill

I would love to say my pregnancy was full of hearts and flowers and the bloom and glow that you see all over social media these days, truth be told my experience with pregnancy and birth was quite the opposite. Alfie was my Second pregnancy, a true rainbow baby I had had a late term miscarriage at 20 weeks around 7 months before I found out I was again expecting.

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When to stop using a baby monitor | Online4baby

- by emetaireau

Baby monitors are so important in the early stages of your little one’s life. You can watch them sleep, check if they’re OK at night and have that all-important peace of mind. Plus, it can be super cute to watch them on the little screen!

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