two mums walking with babies in prams

Child Safety Week: Day 7: Sun Protection

May 21, 2024 - by Anonymous

Hello again! If you’ve been with us from the start, you’ll know this is the seventh and final entry in a series of blogs inspired by Child Safety Week 2024. They're dedicated to helping families build confidence and skills in managing the real risks to children’s safety.

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a broken pram wheel

Child Safety Week: Day 6: Safe Travels with Buggy, Stroller, Pram, and Travel Systems

May 21, 2024 - by Anonymous

Child Safety Week 2024 is almost over, but safety around your baby and toddler should be practiced 24/7/365. That’s why we’ve put together a series of blogs to help you identify the dangers in everyday, seemingly normal situations, and what you can do to ensure your family are safe around them.

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child safety

Child Safety Week: Day 3: Safeguarding Your Home for Baby and Toddler Safety

May 21, 2024 - by Anonymous

We’ve already discussed car seat and sleep safety measures in our Child Safety Week coverage, and in this edition, we’ll be going over something that's often overlooked: safeguarding in the home.

What cost-effective safety measures can you implement to create a secure environment for your little ones to explore and play safely?

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Kellie's Birth Story

Kellie's Birth Story

May 10, 2023 - by Anonymous

When I found out I was pregnant with my first child I cried, I think this was part happiness and part reality of being responsible for another human being.  I didn’t really have any issues throughout the pregnancy, I know I was one of the lucky ones, and it was an amazing experience to go through, especially hearing that heartbeat for the first time and seeing the scan picture on screen.

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Leaving Baby with another carer

Leaving baby with another carer!

May 10, 2023 - by Anonymous

My First Five Years

How anxious should you be about leaving your baby with someone other than you? The answer, not as anxious as you think!

When is it ok to leave your baby with someone else? The experts from My First FIve Years explain... 

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Chloe's Birth Story

Chloe's Birth Story

May 10, 2023 - by Anonymous

For days I felt like I wasn’t in my own body, had a funny taste in my mouth and overall felt different. A lady I worked with heard me talking about the taste in my mouth and joked “ hey you could be pregnant” and we laughed and then the subject changed. That night her comment played on my mind so I did a test. Do you know what happened? The test didn’t work!

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Kerri's Birth Story

Kerri's Birth Story

May 10, 2023 - by Anonymous

The first time I found out I was pregnant with my eldest, I broke down in tears. We were not expecting to fall pregnant so soon after miscarrying our first baby at 12weeks only 3months earlier, so it was such a mix of emotions, crying with happiness and also the fear of losing another.

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